Thursday, May 28, 2009

Where oh where is Becky?

Charging the paddles!!
Charging again!!!
....thump thump..... thump thump.....

I think we have found her.......

Oh, people, people, people!! Where the hell have I been?? I guess the good news is that I have been no where near this brain sucking Internet - not even facebook. I am barely getting online to check emails every few days and due to that my in box is overflowed with Freecycle wants and offers. I did not realize it had been almost a MONTH since my last post until two little birdies left messages for me reminding me that people might still care about what is going on in my life.

Well - May has been full - parties, end of school year events, spending time cleaning the inside of my house so that I don't have to spend as much time taking care of it and I can spend more time outside in the pool where the children live now. It amazes me how the moment the pool "opens" in our back yard, my children think of nothing else - their eyes blink open, "Mommy, can we go swimming after school?" which leads to an after school trail of of shirts, shorts, underwear and socks from the door we enter to the back yard ..... I barely get food in them in between shower time and bed. This of course is a good thing.

Summer will not slow this family down at all. Max will continue school all summer - it is a program that has been set up to continue the Spanish lessons so he will not "lose" what he has learned all year. Max was excited at first because this meant that he got to go to school on no school days, but the closer is has gotten to the end of the year he keeps asking if it is really school - like does he have "learn stuff every day" school - and I try to skirt the topic by saying that it is more like camp - they will be doing fun stuff every day - boy do I hope they don't make a liar out of me!!

I will be dusting off the comic timing and looking for my dance shoes as I have agreed to be in a show that will rehearse the better part of July and run the better part of August. I was terribly excited when asked to do it and then the terror set in when I realized that I have not been on stage for ... oh ... over 10 years. It sounds terribly painful to say it, but life just takes over and the next thing you know it has passed you by. Anyhoo - I am looking forward to the opportunity - and I am really looking forward to working with the people involved. It will make my life very full all summer, but it will be great.

SO - once again - accept my apologies, dear Internet - I have turned a blind eye to you once again for far too long - I still owe you some long awaited stories and have acquired some new ones since then - and as this aged body attempts to remember some old tricks this summer, I am sure I will have many new stories, as well.

Happy Summer, my Peeps!!

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