Saturday, October 03, 2009

I like that feeling....

Okay... I promise I am not going to become one of those people that gets all passionate and crazy about something and does it and talks about it 24/7 - but it is very important for me to write and document in internet "stone" some things that are validating to this journey as a reminder to me for when I fall off the wagon in the future. Not like I am self prophecising that I am going to, but just in case, ya know ....

So.. Dear Self....

I like that feeling. I like that feeling of getting into the groove. I like that feeling, 3 seconds after you were just about to give up, when the real work kicks in, you hit the zone, and suddenly you realize, yes, in fact you can do this.

I like the feeling of getting sweat drenched - feeling those trickles of sweat run down through your hair line or down your back, giving you shivers because of the opposite sensation of your tense skin and the gentle roll of the sweat. I like being that aware of every muscle, hair and nerve ending.

I like having a plan. I work better when I have a plan. I get more done when I have a plan. A plan is different from lists or a goals I make those, too. But I am never as successful as when I make a plan - remember that.

My children are better "Max's" and "Ben's" when they are active and engaged. They are continuously creating endless amounts of energy in those little bodies and if they do not release it in all forms - physically, mentally, and emotionally - they explode like a liter of soda recently thrown around in a clothes dryer. They need to be challenged by the rock wall, the new lego toys, and conversations on how I expect them to act like classic gentlemen.

I am who I am and nothing can change that - and if I do not keep your foot in the pond of the greatest passion of my life - I start to dry up - and it shows in all aspects of my life. Since I began to form the soul that is me - not just the normal childhood milestones of development and education - but the things that made Becky, B-E-C-K-Y, theatre or some aspect of it has always been a great source of food for my soul. Being a spectator, or being a part of it - either way - but being a part of that give and take of art energy is crucial for me...period.

I am proud of me - I am proud of yesterday and I am excited about the plans for the upcoming tomorrows...remember that....

With all my love,

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