Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bitter Bitter Bee....

I would like to forwarn everyone that it is probably best to keep a safe distance from this extremely bitter bitter bee....

There is an amount of rage and pissiness that I am experienceing right now that even shocks myself. I am having tolerance issues, I am in a constant state of internal monologue-ing coming up with incredible speeches to spew at any given time.. I am almost daring people to spark my fire just to see how high my flame really can go....

I am tired of coming across the same bullshit... over and over and over....

I am praying for the lesson... I am begging for the light... I am looking for the patience.

I am asking myself the questions, I am counting to 10 hoping for my moment of clarity with a deep breath and lower blood pressure.

I am pretty sure all will resolve when I start my period......

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