Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Another big change....

This year will be a year of big changes for this family. We are completely revamping how our family works, and I am hoping this is for the better.

So, now that Max is off to big kid school and Ben has transitioned to the new daycare school, Mommy will be changing her work schedule. Mommy is going to be going to work very early in the morning, dropping Ben off on the way when daycare first opens. Daddy will then make sure Max gets on the school bus and off to school. After school, mommy will be home in time to be there to receive Max from the school bus and we will then go pick up Ben. I am slightly torn as to whether or not we will work on homework and then go get Ben or just go get him. Part of me knows homework time will go so much smoother with Ben not there, but part of me knows it will also be very hard for Max to come from all day at school and head straight into homework, a little transition time would be good.

I am hoping these changes help to roll into even greater changes as a whole for our family. I am hoping more time in the afternoon will allow us to better schedule our rituals, allow me to get more stuff done during the week - thus allowing for more free time on the weekends. The extra money we will save from not having to pay daycare for Max will be... well.... amazing.

I am just so happy, I am teary eyed right now. This is the first time I have sat down and really thought about all the choices we have made in one sitting and it is very happy and very overwhelming. I fell like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I am just so hopeful right now.

I just love the fall..... most people experience renewal at the beginning of the year or in the spring bloom, but I seem to renew best in the fall. What a discovery!

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