Tuesday, January 11, 2005

My love/hate relationship with Target

I would never be able to boycott something that I didn't already hate in the first place. I should boycott Target for the way that I have been treated lately, but I just can't. Target is my Neiman Marcus or Lord and Taylor. It is the place I go to when I need to decorate my home, my family, myself. I even grocery shop there occasionally even though I think there selection isn't the greatest and it is priced a little high. I have spent quite a large percentage of my income there over the years. I registered there for my wedding and the upcoming arrivals of both my sons... SO WHY WOULD THEY TREAT ME WITH SUCH DISRESPECT????
So last Thursday night we went there to return a few gifts that we had not returned yet, and get a few items that we needed. I know the drill... in order to get your money you have to have a copy of the registry. I go the kiosk and get my registry... "Please wait while we print your request".....
..... "That kiosk isn't working" says a manager as she passes by after seeing me wait for 5 minutes. (Put a damn sign up if you know it is not working!!!!)

Okay moving to the next kiosk..."Please wait while we print your request"....
............"Does it normally take this long?" I ask the man behind the customer service counter. He turns to the oh so helpful manager who then says, "sometimes it takes a while."
"Hello.... could this one not be working, too? Is there any way you can do this without the printout?"
Manager, "Yes... but you would get the discounted price."
Me, "I do not understand why I am being penalized for your machines not working"
Manager, "We need the printout"
Me, losing it and almost about to hit her because I am trying to do this quickly before my 1 month old and 2 year old explode.."I can't get the printout because your machines are not working...does your computer over there see the registry?"
Manager, "No."
Me, "What is the difference?"
Manager, "$0.60"
Me, "Mike, you deal with it"
I could not believe this CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER was fighting me over 60 cents!!!! I walked away in total disgust and anger... I could feel my blood pumping through my temples... I had forgotten what we were there to get in the first place.
We walk through the store getting whatever items we needed and get to the checkout stand. She checks everything out and I give here the receipt they had given Mike for the items we returned.
Cashier, " I am sorry ma'am... This is an exchange receipt not a return receipt. You have to take the items you are exchanging back to customer service"
It took everything in my power not to climb the proverbial bell tower and hose down everyone in the store.
But wait the universe is still giggling(to quote my good friend, Emily). The meat we got was bad and we are going to have to return it.
If you see a story on the 10 o'clock news about a lady holding a customer service manager hostage at the Hwy 59 and Hwy 6 Target, you'll know the return didn't go well....

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