Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Not lost... just exhausted

Max... pee pee in the potty....poop everywhere else... "big boy bike" bribe not working...
Ben... 9 months old... refuses to move.... sits up amazingly and can do this Tai Chi stretch to reach anything around him. If it is too far away he pouts, flirts, or cries until someone will respond. If no one responds..."I didn't need to play with it anyway..."
Mike... who? Oh yeah my husband... still sleeping next to me at night...never seem to be in the same room at the same time.... I am making dinner... he is feeding Ben.... He is changing Ben... I am following Max around, "You need to ppop on the potty? You wanna just sit down and read a book?".... we meet up at night....lay flat on our backs exhausted and hold hands as we go to sleep....
Me... work...conferences...
... too tired to finish... Mike is snoring... I want to go hold his hand....
Will be more cheerful when the sun comes up....

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