Tuesday, November 23, 2004

36 week check up

36 weeks...wow... where has the time gone...

So, bed rest did the trick. I lost a pound and my blood pressure was perfectly normal today. For the first time a homeopathic approach kicked conventional drugs' ass for me.
She drew labs as a precaution, but she is very cofident that we are actually going to be able to keep our Dec 8th 12:30 date to meet Ben. As long as I continue doing what I am supposed to be doing which is rest.
And rest is what I do. I got to my appointment 5 minutes late because I fell asleep at home. While I was waiting for my room in the 2nd waiting area, I nearly feel asleep again. Tami the nurse practioner came around to talk to me and asked how I was doing and I said I was tired, she frowned and said "you better be on bed rest young lady!" and I assured her that I was... and that is all I can do.. rest... I try so hard to occupy myself with books or movies but it is nearly impossible to stay awake when laying completely flat.
I am also a complete adrenaline junkie.. I love deadlines and last minute details.. I live for big projects and presentations... my plug has been pulled and now all I want to do is sleep... maybe I can catch up on all the sleep deprivation for the past 30 years...

1 comment:

Shooter said...

Maybe you are hearing voices in your sleep because you are creating deadlines and adrenaline for yourself subconsciously. I am so glad to hear you are going to make it to December 8th. Good luck with the last week and a half.